Serenity Acres Now
Chronicles Of A Family Farm
I’m working on a lot of projects right now on top of our usual farm work, including writing some farming/homesteading e-books that I’ll […]
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My journey across the internet takes me lots of places. I read a lot of interesting things. However, some of these things are completely absurd. In this article, I’ll banter about one of more recent items.
We just had a brief hailstorm which has subsequently turned into snow. There was just a sudden onslaught of lentil-sized hail falling. It […]
#smallfarm a day in the farm life animal health baby chickens baby chicks baby goats Blog Buddy Hen chicken behavior chicken coop chicken coop construction chicken coop improvement chicken coop interior chicken eggs Chickens chicks cold weather dairy goats Denizli chicks disbudding duck eggs ducks eggs farm construction projects first baby goat of 2011 goat artificial insemination goat behavior goat breeding goat disbudding goat health goat kids Goats growing food heirloom vegetables hobby farming Homesteading & Self-Reliance keeping chickens local food nerdbillies nerdbilly new goat herd member seed starting spring planting preparations turkeys winter on the farm